Frequently Asked Questions

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Ans: The walk was established in October of 2020.

Ans: The Walk of Recognition is in the City of Belmopan, on Constitution Drive between the Angelus Press Limited and the Belize Bank Limited

Ans: The Walk of Recognition is managed by the Customer Service Quality Assurance Unit under the Ministry of Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform and Religious Affairs in collaboration with the Belmopan City Council.

Ans: For a name to be inducted onto the Walk, you will need to have either:
Served for 35 continuous years or more in the public service. (Long Service Award Recipient)
Have won of a Belize Public Service Outstanding Award. Visit the Walk of Recognition website to see the different categories of Outstanding Award.

Ans: The plaque with the footprints symbolizes the 35 Years Long Service Award, while the plaque with the star symbolizes persons or teams who have won an Outstanding Award, and the plaque with the Soldier Saluting is a special symbol to recognize and show appreciation to all frontline workers who were courageously and tirelessly to combat COVID-19 across the country of Belize.

Ans: Previously persons were inaugurated onto the Walk during the week of Public Service Day which is celebrated annually on June 23. Since 2020, however, the induction ceremony has been held in September as part of the September celebrations and will continue as such.

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Managed By The CSQAU

Customer Service Quality Assurance Unit

Ministry of Public Service, Governance and Disaster Risk Management

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