How We Work
Our Core Values
Rule of law
unlawful acts in the provision of service are strictly prohibited
being responsible for that which has been entrusted and answerable for our action or non-action and the subsequent result or outcome
exercising honesty at all times; and refraining from accepting or offering gifts and bribes
Efficiency & Effectiveness
achieving the customers’ desired outcome with minimum wasted effort and resources
exercising competence, good judgment and polite behavior at all times
Quality Service
services are to be of the highest quality, convenient, easy to use, accessible, friendly, integrated where possible, responsive, and cost-effective, with a guarantee of redress when things go wrong
procedures, standards and applicable policies are to be widely circulated and their application open to scrutiny
Equity & neutrality
treating customers fairly and equally; prejudice or show of favour are not encouraged
Our Mission
To facilitate the process of excellence in public service delivery and customer satisfaction through the coordination of all Ministries/ departments in the development and implementation of sound customer service policies and programs, capacity building and general monitoring and evaluation for the Belize Public Service in a manner that is sustainable.

Since 2012 the Customer Service Quality Assurance Unit is the arm of the Ministry of the Public Service Constitutional and Political Reform and Religious Affairs, whose primary role is to engender a service-driven culture of excellence across the Belize Public Service, and to ensure high quality standards of public service delivery and customer experience.
Our Vision
The Customer Service Quality Assurance Unit aims to be the recognized agent of change engendering a service-driven culture of excellence that effectively meets and exceeds the needs of and enhances the lives of the people it serves.
Public Service Awards Committee
Our Responsibilities
- Attend meetings of the national committee and actively participate in the planning, promoting and executing of activities surrounding PSD,
- Form local sub-committee and lead the planning, promotion and execution of activities as agreed upon and carrying the message of the national committee.
- Select the winning theme under which Public Service Day is celebrated yearly.
- Liaise with ministries and departments to encourage participation and representation in the different events, particularly the information fair, which is aimed at educating the community about the value of public officers and the Public Service to Belize’s sustainable economic development and better quality of life for Belizeans.
- Advise generally on ways of using PSD as a platform for improvements in service delivery and customer satisfaction
- Prepare and submit reports (progress, closure and financial) reflecting successes, challenges and recommendation.
Our Members