Award Categories

LONG SERVICE AWARD The Belize Public Service Longevity Award is to standardize the recognition of public officers for their commitment and dedication to the Government and People of Belize. The programme recognizes all eligible public officers who have reached service milestones of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35+ years. At each milestone, employees receive a certificate of service and an award gift. However, the Walk of Recognition and Inspiration is focused primarily on those public officers who have reached the 35+ milestone.
These Public Officers receives; Pin, Certificate of Service presented by the Minister of the Public Service at the annual Walk of Recognition and Inspiration Award Ceremony and a steel nameplate that is inducted into the walkway. Public Officers do not have to make application for the 35+ award, this award includes all officers that have accumulated 35+ years of service with the Belize Public Service and have not had any break in service. Employees who retire or resign in the fiscal year that they would attain relevant number of years of service will be eligible for recognition. Employees who are terminated will not be eligible.

Belize and the world were introduced to the greatest phenomenon ever of this era, when in 2020 the infamous coronavirus, COVID-19, changed our lives and how we do everything. Due to the restrictions brought on by the pandemic, the idea of the Belize Public Service Walk was birthed, which also brought to the forefront the selflessness of the brave men and women from across the country and sectors who rose to the challenge of PUBLIC SERVICE, to combat COVID 19.
The daily and routine work of public officers was the same for persons across sectors and as a show of great appreciation and forever thanks, two special frontline plaques saluting courage, bravery, unity, and strength have been installed to honour all these heroes.
Base Criteria
- A pioneer in the service, who through their efforts, voice and dedication has fought, worked, advocated and made significant contributions which produced betterment and measurable change in the service.
- An established history of distinguished service and serves as a role model in leadership, provides inspiration and has gained recognition and respect from peers, colleagues and staff.
- Has worked for not less than 20 years in the Public Service,
Eligible Nominees
This award honors a senior level public officer in management (example: HOD, DHOD, Director, Senior AOs, FOs or other Senior Officers) with immaculate professional and personal record and whose not less than 20 years of service and exceptional contribution to the Public Service and the Country of Belize have established a legacy from which others may draw career inspiration.
Governor General - Legacy Award
The Belize Public Service most distinguished award is the GG-Legacy Award is in honor of the Governor General, whose office is of prominence and a legacy to Belize. This award may be given to a public officer only once during his/her career in the Public Service
Distinguished public service Career Award
This award recognizes an individual who have made significant accomplishments throughout the lifetime of their career in the public service, while remaining committed to the mission of service to people and country.
Base Criteria
- Has worked in the Public Service for not less than 15 years and has a record of being an exemplary public officer
- Has achieved outstanding results and contributed significantly to public service improvements throughout his/her career, either in different arears of the service, or in a particular area
- Continuously demonstrated dedication to his / her work while maintaining a high level of commitment to the public service values (professionalism, integrity etc.), and strong ethics in his / her day-to-day work.
Eligible Nominees
This award honors a senior-level public officer whose lifetime career in the Public Service has been marked with distinction, accomplishments and positive impressions for others to follow
- History of exceptional leadership that has facilitated, encouraged, or motivated other employees to deliver expanded benefits to public officers or the general public
- Commitment to personal and professional development and provides training, development and/or education for staff and associates
- Formed harmonious and influential relationships with others, namely: colleagues, staff and clients through various means, such as targeted committees, collaborative programming, focus groups, etc.
- Effectively involves team and other stakeholders in decisions, programs, meetings and events
- A role model and a mentor known to share knowledge and experience generously for the purpose of motivating others to higher levels of performance
- Willingness to go “above and beyond” the conventional parameters of an established role for the sake of helping and inspiring others
Eligible Nominees
This award is given to a public officer from any organizational level within the Public Service
Prime Minister- Leadership Award
The PM-Leadership Award recognizes a stalwart leader, regardless of his/her role within the Public Service and is one who exemplifies vision, strategy, confidence, inclusivity, inspires and influences people for impactful results. He / she is known as a mentor who shares knowledge and experiences generously for the purpose of motivating others to higher levels of performance.
The award is in honor of the Prime Minister, whose office is of the highest leadership in Public Service.
Award of Innovation
This award recognizes an individual or team that has completed or is working on a new or improved idea that is already improving the way of doing things and getting work of the Public Service done.
Base Criteria
- Demonstrated willingness to experiment for the sake of changing the status quo for the better
- A new and better ways of doing things, and that can more effectively and efficiently get the work done.
- A feasible model program with demonstrated benefits that can be widely replicated by others
- Has adopted to new or improved idea that has streamlined a business process, leveraged technology, establish new partnerships or pursue creative solutions to advance the mission of a ministry or department.
Eligible Nominees
This award honors an individual officer or team (2 or more, a unit, a department or a ministry) who is being creative with solutions for improving the work of the public service.
Base Criteria
- Motivational among coworker and within the work environment
- Skillful in approaching duties assign
- Record of outstanding performance and recognized by his/her supervisor(s) and coworkers
- Dedicated, timely and is diligent with task accomplishment
Eligible Nominees
This award is given to a junior-level public officers who has been in the service for not more than two years.
Outstanding Rookie Award
This award is to encourage and recognize an individual who is new to the Public Service and whose performance is characterized as being a source of inspiration, is creative, show initiative and generally stands out and generally is making impressionable impact as a promising leader.
Outstanding Achiever Award
This award is presented to an individual or team for exceptional and significant performance and accomplishments both in job skills and service, and where performance is characterized by results which have made a difference in the service.
Base Criteria
- Demonstrated record of being outstanding in the development of best practices and implementation of ideas that have improved public services internally and/or for the general public.
- Significant positive impact through advancement of understandings about the mission of a ministry or department, the public service and the agenda of nation building.
- A record of outstanding service, dedication, caring, and foresight generally recognized both by immediate colleagues and among peers and co-workers across the public service
- Individual and or team growth both in unity of work accomplishments and in skills and capacities for future contribution and
- Development of innovative approaches and use of and contributions to lessons-learned for the improvement of the public service
Eligible Nominees
This award honors any officer or team from any organizational level whose exceptional achievement(s) is an example from which others may draw inspiration.
Base Criteria
- Have a defined departmental or interdepartmental program of Customer Service for internal and external customers (service charters, feedback systems etc.)
- Demonstrated improvements that have advanced customer service to citizens and/or others
- Demonstration of service orientation as an expression of organizational mission
- Customer service initiatives designed and implemented to instill broader commitment to excellence in customer service
- Willingness to exceed the boundaries of an established role in order to deliver the exceptional rather than the expected
- Personal commitment above and beyond that which is normally expected to enrich life for others
- Cultivation of relationships as an expression of personal caring
- The ability to inspire others to higher levels of service excellence
Eligible Nominees
This award honors any officer or team across the Public Service.
Excellence in Citizen Customer-Focused Delivery Award
This award is given to an individual or team who demonstrate extraordinary talent, expertise, and dedication in provision of exceptional services and through which the level of customer service to citizens and/or customers has been advanced.
Heroic act Award
This award is to recognize and reward an individual or team that have responded to situations where actions of great personal risk have defended national interest, public or personal property, stopped civil disturbance, saved lives or yielded other similar results
Base Criteria
- show conclusive evidence of whether voluntarily or in the line of duty risked their own life to an extraordinary degree in saving, or attempting to save, the life of another person
- Sacrificed themselves is a significant way to the benefit of others or good principles.
Eligible Nominees
This award honors any officer or team from any organizational level whose act or heroism is to be commended and recognized.