- 2023 Awardees
Born: 15/02/1969
Years Served: 1988 to Current
Marital Status: Married
Positions Held:
Public Health Inspector II
23/03/1988 to 15/07/2013
Senior Public Health Inspector
16/07/2013 to Current
Javier Alpuche was born on 15 February 1969 in Corozal Town. Mr. Alpuche attended Corozal Methodist Primary School followed by Corozal Community College (graduated 1986). Associates degree in Environmental Health from the University College of Belize (1989-1991). Numerous training courses locally and abroad with PAHO, CAREC, COMISCA, CDC, INCAP, CEHI, ServSafe International, USDA, Red Cross, NEMO, BAHA, DOE and MOH.
He joined the Public Service as a Public Health Inspector Grade II on the 23rd March 1988. Promoted to Grade I Public Health Inspector in 1991. Worked in Belize City for five years (1988-1993), Corozal District 1993-2001, San Pedro 2001-2003. Promoted to Senior Public Health Inspector in December 2003 and posted in the Western Health Region (Cayo District). Currently SPHI for the Western Health Region.
Some of the trainings he attended are;
§ Basic Epidemiology online Public Health Agency of Canada, 2008) and at Mexico City (Instituto Nacional de Saud Publica,2006)
§ Field Epidemiology Basic & Intermediate level – Belize and Universidad Del Valle, Guatemala City (2010 & 2011).
§ Entomology with emphasis on Malaria – Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico (2006).