Mario Caliz

Mario M Caliz, MBA
Tax Manager, Belize Tax Service
Personal statement
Proficient, dynamic and skilled Tax Manager with experience also including but not limited to, with the ability to communicate efficiently with management and peers and cultivate a professional relationship in service delivery.

Mr. Caliz, provided Managerial, Administrative and technical support to the branches of the Belize Tax Service as Tax Manager (District) for Dangriga and San Pedro, he is a native of Dangriga and has worked in different sectors as a teacher for Red Bank Primary school, then to Treasury as an Messenger/copyist as it was referred to back then now Office Assistant, a Second Class Clerk, First Class Clerk at the different departments, Tax Assistant, Tax Officer at General Sales Tax department.

His career began as early after graduating from Ecumenical High School firstly as a member of the volunteer element of Belize Defense Force, then as a teacher at Red Bank Primary school in the Stann creek District in 1988, thereafter moving over to the Government service as a Messenger/Copyist, Second Class Clerk at the Treasury Department from 1988 to 1998 for a period of ten (10) years. Later, transferred to Ministry of works Stann Creek that same year for Two (2) years thereafter to Transport Department in Belmopan and then back to Dangriga at the Department of transport until my transfer to Sales Tax department in 2005 and later the name change to General Sales Tax with services to Dangriga, Punta Gorda, Belize City and Corozal up to the amalgamation of both General Sales tax and Income tax to the new Belize Tax Service in 2019 where I became a Tax Manager guiding two districts Dangriga and San Pedro where I currently work.

During my years in the Government Service I spent most at the Ministry of Finance / Tax Department approximately thirty of the thirty five years of service, in that period apart from my High school degrees I received a Bachelors and Masters of Science Degree in Business Management from Galen University with a focus on Business and Economics, Mario also developed a striving sense of devotion to Architecture, Construction and planning as an off service. In my younger age centered on youth development program for 2 years as the President, these experiences gave me a deep appreciation in how to seek and improve the quality of life for hard work in my community.

In my years of service, I have gained professionally in all aspect of service to the Government of Belize through been a deliverer of services at the Treasury Department, Ministry of Works, Department of Transport Belmopan/Dangriga, Sales Tax Department/General Sales tax now Belize Tax Service and Personally in whatever accomplishment provided for which there is no limit, appreciation goes out to the Ministry Of Public Service as the corner stone in offering me the opportunity to grow and offer guidance to individual public Officer within each sector of Government as I went along this path of my life for the past years and with God as the Anchor of HOPE!!

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