Patricia Angela Dixon Sebastian

Mrs. Patricia Angela Dixon Sebastian was born in Belize City but was raised by her grandmother Henrietta Enriquez in Punta Gorda Town, where she attended St. Peter Clever Primary and Toledo Community College. Her passion for education and human empowerment has gotten her involved in Brownie, Girl Guides and Scouts. She is a trained Scout Leader. She has been transforming the lives of children in the formal and informal education arena. Mrs. Dixon Sebastian taught for 25 years at various schools: Aguacate, R.C. and San Miguel, R.C. (Toledo District), Belmopan Junior School (now United Evergreen Primary School), and Garden City Government Primary School (Belmopan, Cayo District). She was vice principal at Garden City Primary for a year because she preferred being in the classroom. She was also an adjunct lecturer at the University of Belize, taught at BNE Adult Education Program and does after school tutoring in her neighbourhood.

Ms. Patty, as she is affectionately known, knew that education was the key to achieving her quest to transform the lives of others so she enrolled at the Belize Teachers Training College and became a trained teacher, received her Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education from the University College of Belize and later her Master in Special Education from the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, Florida. Her strong desire for knowledge has enabled her to successfully participate in various programs and classes pertaining to Special Education, Teaching Strategies, Technology in Education, and leadership among others.

Her contribution has been felt most in Special Education. Mrs. Dixon Sebastian has the heart of an angel when it comes to students with varied abilities. She knows where every one of them lives in the Belmopan Area Schools Zone and ensures that they are well taken care of health wise, socially, educationally, emotionally, and spiritually. Her title in her formal work is Special Education Officer at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology but what she does is not considered work for her, she calls it “a natural thing to do”. She networks with various universities and organizations to provide therapy, food, health supplies, learning materials, equipment and other resources for her clients. Her passion for their well-being is equivalent to Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Thanks to, Ms. Patty, most of those children receive a Christmas hamper, gifts, and treat. She ensures that every opportunity given to others must be given to her clients. She takes that very seriously going beyond the call of duty for all. It is not surprising that Mrs. Patricia Dixon Sebastian is a champion for Special Olympics. She is indeed a silent wonder woman and unsung hero for Special Education.

Patricia Angela Dixon Sebastian was married to Errol Ellis Sebastian for 29 years (deceased) and is the mother of four dynamic children: Derricia Jael Castillo, Erolyn Leah Sebastian, Errol Ellis Sebastian Jr and Jaira Miah Sebastian. Her four grandchildren ,namely CeeJay, Aaris, Ayden and Jaycee are her pride and joy.

This great, caring, ambitious, determined, strong, giving, and productive woman lives a life of strong faith in God and is a testament of “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done” (Proverbs 19:17).

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